Professional Retrofit Solutions for Your Sacramento Facility
Is Your Facility in Need of a Professional Intervention?
Property Owners and Facility Managers usually know when the mechanical systems of their buildings are running inefficiently. Utility bills go up, sometimes to the extent that the utility company imposes a surcharge. Tenants complain of “too hot or too cold” – too often. The units themselves may be near the end of their useful lives but it’s an expensive proposition to replace them when tenants are terminating leases. This scenario calls for a professional intervention.
Cooper Oates is dedicated to eliminating any waste of resources, time, or money. A careful use of clients’ resources has been a guiding principle of our company since 1972. We are also dedicated to finding root causes and sustainable solutions. We meet with the building owner to determine the full extent of their challenges and to develop a portfolio of solutions.
Together We Create a Long-Range Masterplan
For very old buildings, we sometimes need to create a set of mechanical as-built drawings and have our engineer redesign the mechanical system to bring it up to Title 24 levels. Then we consider the technology currently in place:
- Is this the time to switch from pneumatic controls to a Direct Digital Control system?
- Are new boilers and cooling towers required to slash energy costs of hot water or hydronic systems?
We calculate the cost-benefit of maintaining current equipment versus purchasing a whole new system. We can create construction schedules to accommodate the tenants so the update will proceed with minimal disruption. We can also create a long-range masterplan for a building’s energy update needs, in accordance with budget considerations, so that property owners can plan into the future.
Improving Your Building's Comfort Through Efficient Solutions
With Cooper Oates, a retrofit solution for older buildings is rarely just “buy a whole new system.” We work to prolong what equipment you already have through expert repair and maintenance. We find creative solutions and the best-fit in the latest technologies to help you reduce costs. In one client’s retrofit, utility expenses went down $20,000 a year and the building went from an EnergyStar Benchmark of 44 to 81, certifying it as an EnergyStar building. See more instances of increased efficiency and savings in our case studies.
We would like to partner with you to make your property both profitable and sustainable.