Our Safety Culture
When everyone reports to work each day, when equipment is regularly and properly maintained, when every crew member is up to date on and accountable for safety protocols and procedures, and when safety is the top priority for all, our clients are saved lost workdays, and the headaches of rescheduling. There are no short-cuts to safety.
Our active safety protocols and trainings are built around the care of our employees, sub-contractors, and every person affiliated with our projects. All our employees receive a safety orientation when they first join Cooper Oates and are encouraged to participate in Red Cross, OSHA-10 and OSHA-30, and various other certificate trainings. We are proud of our on-going safety record because it means our staff and their families have peace of mind in knowing they work for an organization that puts their lives and well-being above all else.

Safety in Our Warehouse
Basic to our culture is being a LEAN business. These principles, originally developed by Toyota, mean that every single wrench, evaporator, screwdriver, roll of tape, and piece of sheet metal is in its place and labeled. Every process in our 15,000 sq. ft. shop is documented and photographed so that the use of machinery and tools is consistent. Order and consistency are crucial to maintaining safe practices.
Safety is one, if not the most, important goal to each and every employee. Proper safety routines ensure us that we make it back home every day to our families. Cooper Oates is always updating safety procedures to improve our safety, give us the correct PPE, and the proper tools for the task on site, such as the correct height of ladders needed for the job.
Safety on the Road
Every vehicle at Cooper Oates is part of a fleet telemetric program. Anytime one of our drivers brakes too hard, makes a harsh turn, accelerates too fast or goes over the speed limit, a manager is notified by cell phone. Monthly totals are recorded and kept as a part of each employee’s file. We get to the jobsite safely.
Safety at the Job Site
At the start of each week our field supervisors hold Tailgate Meetings to review correct procedures, demonstrate or explain a safety topic, and update on any new OSHA guidelines. When working with crane and helicopter lifts, special trainings occur before each installation.